Naturopathic Emotional Release is an amazing integrative tool for any holistic health practitioner. But its benefits aren’t just as another clinical method to apply – it can also help to elevate your business success.
Let’s take a look at 5 ways that NER can be used to boost your clinic bookings and income.
It builds up your connection and rapport with clients
We know that rapport is a critical piece of the practitioner-client relationship. The more that your clients trust you, the easier it will be for them to action the advice you give them.
Using NER to uncover emotions and stresses that have acted as a trigger for their health issues can bring a new level of connection. The ability to identify something that may have happened years ago often leaves your client gobsmacked!
After experiencing NER with you, they will feel like you understand them on a level that no one else has. This type of connection fosters life-long clients who always want to work on their health with you.
Your client results will sky-rocket!
Have you ever been frustrated by clients who self-sabotage or fall off the wagon constantly? Do you know that they would see incredible improvements if they just took their herbs, put aside the junk food or got a decent amount of sleep?
It’s not just you who feels frustrated – your clients feel the same way! They aren’t misbehaving like a naughty child. There’s a reason behind why they fail over and over.
If there are underlying emotional drivers causing the behaviour pattern, they will be held back, no matter how motivated they are or how amazing your treatment plan is.
The good news? Using NER can help you to identify and clear the blocks that are keeping your clients stuck. This means they will be more compliant, see greater results, and rave about you!
You’ll get more word of mouth referrals
Who doesn’t love the idea of clients who do your marketing for you? If you want at least 90% of your spots being booked weeks or even months in advance, you want to make sure you’re getting plenty of referrals.
So how do you increase the word of mouth promotion? You make sure that your clients experience real change from the first appointment.
This is where NER really shines. Because you can implement it in as little as 10 minutes, it’s quick to integrate into a client session. But it also allows your clients to walk away feeling lighter and better before they’ve taken a single herb or made a change.
You can add another form of revenue to your business
Many practitioners simply integrate NER into their naturopathy or nutrition consultations. But you can also offer it as a stand-alone appointment.
NER appointments can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your clients and your business. You can simple offer it as a different appointment type for clients to consider, particularly if you work in a niche where self-sabotage is common. This could be great for practitioners who work with weight loss, emotional eating or mental health concerns.
You could also offer it as part of a package that incorporates your standard appointments and even products. For example, you could offer a package with 3 naturopathy appointments, one NER session and a supplement or two for a fixed price.
You can work on your own underlying sabotage patterns
Practitioners aren’t immune to sabotage patterns. Unfortunately, our profession is packed with huge mental blocks, particularly around money.
All of us have had a mentor or lecturer or friend who has told us that true healers don’t make much money. This can lead to prescribing fewer supplements than we think is necessary or booking clients less frequently because we don’t want to take all of their money.
As a result, there are thousands of practitioners out there who inhibit their own success and the success of their clients. But NER isn’t just helpful for our clients – it also allows us to identify and clear our own emotions and blocks.
This allows you to be the best practitioner and business owner you can be. Your client results improve not just from relieving their blocks, but also because you’re not putting your own blocks in the way.
You can find out about the latest NER Training here and the upcoming NER Mastermind.