How can I help?
My role is to support you in bringing about positive change and vitality in your own life.
I focus on getting to the core of what’s going on with you and your health, whether that is physical, nutritional, biochemical or emotional.
I work mostly with women and children who are experiencing health challenges and working towards wellness goals, including:
- Helping tired women and busy mums restore energy and focus.
- Supporting people with digestive issues including IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, parasites, SIBO – Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
- Assisting people through stress, anxiety or just dealing with the busy pace of life.
- Investigating thyroid issues including hypothyroid and underactive thyroid, hyperthyroid, hashimotos, and Graves’ disease.
- Providing natural women’s health support including hormonal balancing for painful cycles, heavy or irregular periods, PMS, PCOS, and endometriosis.
- Developing personalised dietary advice to support healthy weight.
- Customising natural sleep strategies for insomnia and sleep maintenance.
- Supporting healthy immune function.
- Providing natural health care for fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum.
- Helping you navigate the health challenges of your infant, toddler or child including digestive issues, food intolerances, fussy eaters, poor immunity, eczema and skin conditions, anxiety, sleeping issues, and bed wetting.
Services Offered

Applying a holistic approach to evidence-based health, I combine elements of herbal medicine, nutrition and emotional support to care for the whole person.
As a naturopath, I’ve taken an oath to follow and implement the six foundational principles of naturopathy, which are: 1) The healing power of nature, 2) First do no harm, 3) Find and treat the cause whenever possible – not only the symptoms, 4) Treat the whole person, 5) Education, and 6) Prevention.

I’m a strong believer in using food as medicine, and empowering a healthy mind and body with real food. I provide personalised nutritional support for healthy weight and energy levels, and guidance for people with food allergies, intolerances and other special dietary requirements.

Emotion Release Technique™
In my work as a naturopath, I found a lot of my clients presented with emotional distress in addition to physical health challenges. This prompted me to develop Emotion Release Technique™ – a holistic method of psycho-emotional therapy. Neuropeptides are released during times of stress, and can attach to receptors on the neurons and cells of tissues throughout the body, supporting the theory that stored emotions can contribute to pain, illness and disease. Based on this principle, ERT combines touch, muscle response and memory recall to help process and release emotional blocks. ERT is also beneficial when working with sabotage patterns and can help you achieve your goals.

In-Clinic Testing
I provide a wide range of in-clinic functional testing options including iridology, intolerance testing and body composition scanning, as well as referrals for pathology, stool testing, hormonal saliva testing, and SIBO breath tests. I have an extensive range of testing that is conducted in your initial and testing appointment so I can understand what we need to prioritise to get you well.

Telehealth Appointments
Can’t make it into the clinic? Don’t worry! I also provide telehealth consults so we can connect from the comfort of your home or workplace.

Online Programs
In addition to private appointments, I run online programs and challenges from time to time. These programs provide peer support through an online group format, adding extra motivation and inspiration to achieving your goals.

Women’s Self Care Groups
Self care is the primary focus of my work, so I offer self care groups for women in the on and offline space. I am a strong believer in the combined strength, healing and growth that occurs when women gather, and share wisdom and support.

Workshops and Retreats
I run several major events every year, including natural health workshops, retreats targeted at self care and transformation for women, and professional development for my fellow practitioners.

Professional Practitioner Development
I provide certified training in Naturopathic Emotional Release™ for other practitioners wishing to use this modality in their practice. Learn more about Practitioner Training